Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 87-90 Uphill!

Dear C,
I hope you are feeling a little better now. The who, what, where, when, and how are all lurking behind moms everywhere. Just know, your time will come. You will look back and be proud you have raised your children to have good values, and a strong mind that will send them off into life with confidence!
This week as been a bit of an uphill battle. I am swamped with work, parties and activities that have consumed all my time and energy. The race seems like ages ago and I barely got out this week. Yesterday I literally forced myself out in the evening, and this morning I also dragged my feet out because I feel guilty. Guilty because I have slacked. Not only eating but plain lack of motivation.
Soooooo, as you can see by this picture I ran to the top of Lidingö´s little ski mt. and took in the view (I thought my heart would jump out of my chest when I reached the top). What a beautiful view it is. Really this summer weather is fantastic and I love it and so do my tomato plants!
Big hopes for the last week of our 100 days! Even bigger hopes for the next 100!
Workout: Friday and Sat: Ran 6.5 both days.
Food: Oh horrible things. Cookies, cakes, candy the works!
Weight: I must have put on some-still not looking!
See below for race info: have you signed up?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 86 - 87 Thinking About The Future

Dearest G, Monday morning I woke up from a really bad nightmare, including an abandoned baby and a security guard throwing knifes trying to murder me. 
Awakened but still chocked, I realized that the competition between Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Nightsnack had become far too important. I was leading for a long time, but then a runner from S:ta Monica all of a sudden had ran 38 k, and my plans of running 8k, 10k and 8k seemed pointless. I also realized that my body was aching. 
So I decided to be a little less obsessed, and instead focus on my real problem: what shall I do in September? What is my occupation? And even: who am I, who do I want to be?
What is the meaning of my life?
I know these kinds of questions are common after staying home with babies, and I remember you're having a crisis like this too. But it doesn't really making it easier. I've been a little sad.
But day 87 I had an encouraging lunch with a successful author, an old friend of mine, at a fancy restaurant, owned by the chef that made our wedding dinner ten years ago.

WORKOUT: None. After running three days in a row and five times last week I believe I need to rest. 
FOOD & DRINKS: We had Herb baked char with green asparagus, Whitefish roe and beurre blanc followed by Passion fruit Pannacotta with Raspberry Coulis. My friend had two desserts. I only had one.
WEIGHT: The scale now says –3.4 kg. And I have a wardrobe to explore!

ps Congratulations to your medal! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 86 - YAY!

Dear C,
I made it-am quite happy with the run and had fun. Much more tomorrow. It´s so late-just got home must go to bed. Hope all well.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 85 - Green Everywhere

Dear C,

I took this picture last week. Look at the leaves. It sure doesn´t look like that now...It´s so lush and green everywhere-beautiful!

Today, I took C to her 5 yr. appt. They said she needed to go to the eye dr. She couldn´t see well. Hmmmm-did you have a remiss? Did it take ages for your kids?

Today, I got my hair done-I went to the husband of my colleague. I like it much better, got a sweeping bit of sort of fringe. This covers the wrinkles, and good color+a good rate. Highly recommend. So that was quite an afternoon of flipping through magazines while the girls were with farmor and farmor. This is needed.

Am not working out today: Running race tomorrow! Stay tuned for the results.Food: So good today, not even an extra coffee! Weight: Didn´t look but Agneta at dagis asked me if I have lost a lot of weight!! Horray!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 85 – Another Sunday In May

Dear G, some days just disappear. Apart from that my sister's son turned teenager today this was just a typical Sunday in May. 
Tried to get the kids dressed really early so that we could enjoy the weather and the blooming garden, then all of a sudden it was lunchtime. Had a nice lunch outdoors, then L needed some sleep, A had a party to be dressed for and driven to. Went out running while A was partying and had to hurry up to get back home in time. Brought J & L to pick her up so that CJ could cut the lawn. Then we had a small lemonade picnic and whoops… it was dinnertime.
So I bathed the kids, CJ made dinner and … once again they got in bed too late. Happens often at Sunday.

I always picture those May Sundays as time for dramatic changes in the garden or reading/sunbathing in a chair, but… someone is crying … another one needs to pee and … now they are fighting over a toy and the third one: "Where is she?" 
After a day like this I ask myself "What did I achieve?" and the answer is "nothing". I was a mom.

WORKOUT: The hated dandelions are blooming, and I had forgotten to take my asthma medicine, so the 5.88 k I did felt like the double. I would have walked back if I had more time.
FOOD & DRINKS: No buns and not even coffee after lunch! But a glass of red at dinner…

Ps to our reader in Lausanne: take an extra look at the nice apple blossom and the cute dress on that little girl!

Day 84 - Nice End to Long Weekend

Dear C,
Congrats on your 108! Wow, you have really gotten on board-fantastic. 200 km is right around the corner...
Today, I spent cleaning the house. It takes too much time-we really need to get regular help! Must have burned many calories though.
M went to a party, C had a playdate (unplanned). The famous mom who drops her kid at your door showed up. I´m not so great at saying no.
Must rest legs for race Tues. Today, I struggled-felt tired in the legs on all hills. Didn´t go as far as I planned. Need to spend more time with Yoga Bob instead. Tomorrow I will work, take C to her 5 yr. appt at BVC and get my hair done in the evening! L´s parents came home today and will pick up kids!!!
Workout: 6km-exhausted. Hope to stretch before bed.
Had a BBQ dinner, though L made me Salmon, and had watermelon for dessert. As I said getting back on track foodwise-nothing sweet or unhealthy today.
Weight: Not looking-would be disappointed.
Can´t think more intersting tomorrow.

Day 84 – Why I'm An Irritating Wife

Dear G. 
• This is how casual I sometimes (or often?) place my shoes in our small entry.
• There are other rooms in our house where my things (books, magazines, glasses, clothes etc) are placed in a surprising way. 
• I also make remarks when our son is dressed in his little sister's clothes.
• And worse: I frequently ask if I could go out and run the absolutely worst time of the day – when my husband is about to make dinner.

WORKOUT: The kids wanted to do yoga before lunch, so we had a very amusing and non-meditative lesson including among many poses Half Moon Pose, Garland Pose, Plow Pose, hand standing and of course Downward–Facing Dog, also the one legged version that they love.
Just before dinner I didn't have time to even run the 4k I did, so someone was quite annoyed when I came home. No stretching.
FOOD & DRINKS: Though this idiotic behaviour I was treated with the dinner I wished for: Sesame salmon on a bed of salad with Italian poached fresh onions and An Asian sause of Soya, sesame oil, lime etc.
Had no sweets and only a sip of white wine.
WEIGHT: The scale now says –5.8 kg (?)! And that is what my pants says too …
ps Hope that you see that I'm done over 100k. 74 k better than 3 weeks ago, though my goal of 200k seems far away…

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 83 The Superb Pancake Party

Dear G, more text will come about the terrific pancakeparty in your house that lasted for five hours. Until I get more time: thanks a lot for a day that the four of us all appreciated a lot!

WORKOUT: Had bad conscience because of all we ate and ran 6 k.
FOOD & DRINKS: Your husbands terrific pancakes, your Toblerone /both dark and white/ and what else? 
Had also a nice and healthy dinner with just a little sip of red wine.

Day 81-82 The Exhausted Gardener

Dear G, Wednesday L was still too sick to go to preschool, but well enough to want to play outdoors. So I saw my chance of getting rid of some of the soil sacks. While she was driving her dolls wagon, playing with a ball, watering herself and getting soil about everywhere I took away weeds, digged, carried sacks and planted Korean Astilbe in my Asian part of the garden. As you see I have a small Japanese Golden-leaved Acer Palmatum and a Chinese Tree Peony and there is really no sun in this place. I think I worked for about three hours, or maybe more.
Went out to run before dinner, but I was so tired! Did I drink too little water? Or was it the gardening that made me so tired?
Thursday CJ was home from work and we spent the whole day gardening and playing with the children.
WORKOUT: Wed: gardening + 6k. Thursday: gardening.
FOOD & DRINKS: Had some bun and a little more wine than permitted.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 83 - Final Stretch

Dear C,
Thank you for today. Am so glad the kids had fun. Hope we can do it more often! Also glad you got out tonight-felt good.
Felt so guilty about eating so much crappy food today. I really am going to curb the junk.

Goals for last days: Run, hills, yoga, stretch and eat better!

Today: Well you saw what I ate. Nice healthy dinner and ran just over 5km.
Weight: Hope to lose 1 more kg in the end.
Will look over old blogs and rules this weekend and send you anything I see.

PS are we booked in for the 8th or 9th? Must put in calendar.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 82-Bacon Sandwiches?

Dear C,
I am back-was totally exhausted today felt like a bad hangover. Though it was likely just Heathrow and the Tube to the airport from wherever I was ( near Covent Garden and the University of London). Now I wonder did I even go for the course, shopping or for getting a total appreciation of Stockholm, or my bed (notice how I left out L and the kids)?

The course was inspiring-made me realize that there is a lot of work to be done for next year. That was the easy part-the other part was tromping all around shopping or looking, fighting the crowds, the tube and walking.

Since I am going to the US in just 4 weeks I felt that I didn´t "really" need to buy anything...BUT it just seemed like a good idea and of course cheaper somehow. So now I have new makeup, new Birkenstocks, socks for kids, books, and 3 huge Toblerone bars and some Scottish shortbread-you know the really buttery yummy ones...I´ll get to what I ate later.
But let me ask you this: Why do people love London? Do Swedes go there for the Theater,Museums, Big Ben? Is it for the cultural diversity? I am not really sure if English is really spoken in London anymore. Is it for the Bacon sandwiches? Really disgusting-bacon on white bread with butter. The US must not be the fattest or frumpiest country in the world. Is it for the Tube where you actually have to take an elevator to get down into the depths of hell? Definately no way out in an emergency.

Shhhhh, I work for the British and every person I work with loves Marks & Spencer etc. CONCLUSION: I have been in Sweden a long time and must admit it´s better here than almost anywhere (don´t tell L). Also, I´ll likely go back there more to "further my education" maybe it will grow on me.
Since Monday Food: Will give you the short list-tea cake, scone, snickers bar, crunchy corn flakes, coffee, coffee and more coffee (starbucks), fajitas, white bread sandwhiches of different variety, wine, Diet Coke-the real thing, oh yea more wine...
Workout: Walking til my feet ached everyday. Today back to the woods. Took a new route, really nice but perhaps a little far considering how I felt. 7.7 km
Weight: I swore I must have put on weight since Monday but stepped on the scale it is the same. Not yet where it should be with less than 20 days to go!
About pictures: First pic is when I had to change trains to get to terminal 3 the fastest. This is a stop 1 or 2 away from Heathrow. Very sketchy and I was worried considering there was not 1 other person on the platfrom.
Second pic is some poor sob´s who have to stand outside of London´s biggest toy store and lure people in. They try to imitate Willy Wonka or somthing.
Have we set up a date for final? Good thing there will be another 100 days! Are yo running Tuesday?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 80 – Broken Promises

Dear G, I know I said I would use my total soil budget to buy a new compost.
But what does this picture show? No compost, but more soil bags again. And those are not the only ones I have in my garden right now. Like I said, I buy more soil than all the other 21 households in our street. 
Gardening is all about the soil.
But of course it would be better to save the world and have a compost like yours.
I will and shall get us a proper compost. Someday.

Oh, G, the to-do-list keeps getting longer every day. There are so many things that I promised myself or my husband to do – in the garage, in the attic and in every room of the house. And in the garden. The sacks have been laying there for two weeks now. As I have both soil and new plants I should get rid of the weeds, dig and plant. But when will there be time to do that? Is there any time in life when you have so many needs and so little time as with small children?
The only way to get the to-do-list shorter is to decide not to do things. Or to steal every ten minutes to just get started.
Even if it means that someone comes and ask you "Why do you never finish anything?"
Because I have three little sweet friends that need my attention.

Ok, so I have soilbags in my garden. But why are they placed so oddly? 
A uses the bags to do gymnastics. Soil is good for many reasons. 
Who can do gymnastics with a compost?

WORKOUT: L has a cold with fever and rinning eyes. Did some gardening and carried her a lot.
FOOD & DRINKS: As I remember it I had some kokosboll. Is that true?
WEIGHT: I'll wait like you.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 79 – Sneaking Out!

Dear G, today I got an unexpected opportunity to sneak out and run instead of eating lunch. It was raining, the time was about 1 pm and I was already starving, so said to myself "this is an odd decision". And went out.
I thought of you. And wanted to ask you if this is why the shoes are called Sneakers? They make you want to sneak out. 

As A+J have excursions on Mondays I didn't dare to go by the water (they get so sad if they see you and think they are getting picked up). 
Instead I tried the wood for the first time since 2006. This path (right after our local Alp) is one of my favourite places and the trees made the rain less obvious. 
Apart from this particular path running in our close by wood means lots of steeps and hills. I now understand what you mean when you say that you get a lot of different results. The Nike + counts many more meters uphill than downhill. But I think that is only fair?
Now I remember it was also about your shoes. Are you getting new ones?

Also thought about what my yoga teacher says: that small paths are more meditative, as you have to concentrate not to fall. Makes you forget daily issues. Also, you use a larger number of muscles. I tried it for a while, but small paths are more exhausting than hills.
Anyway, I had fun!

WORKOUT: 6.15 km, hardly any time for yoga/stretching.
FOOD & DRINKS: Running takes away my urge for sugar.
WEIGHT: But why doesn't the scale move?

ps As you are in England I use Britsh spelling check!

Extra: A Woman Must Do Her Duty

Dear G, while you are in London inhalating the Culture and Art of British Education I will be fighting for the honour of… LUNCH! 
Hope to hear everything about London and your new job when you come home!
Please enjoy your lunches!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 77 – 78 Those Young Yoga Teachers…

Dear G, do you remember what life was like before kids? I know you didn't do yoga by then, but I guess you have other similar experiences. 
I used to Yoga by myself. That is meditative and wonderful. Yoga with kids is not meditative. But wonderful. And quite fun.
This is me doing a Supported Shoulderstand again, a Salamba Sarvangasana. Corrected by L & J, photo by A.

We've had such a nice weekend. Saturday A + L + me had a girls day with a picnic lunch in the garden. We enjoy that so much. CJ doesn't like picnics much, but he and J went to town on and had lunch at a stylish restaurant. That is more like them…
Sunday we had brunch at Elfvik with the other families from preschool, and as A & J went to parties when L slept CJ & I also had some time together.
I enjoy running. And my family.

WORKOUT: Saturday almost 7 km, no time for streching or yoga. Sunday 8 km + yoga with kids.
FOOD & DRINKS: Tried a dessert at Elfvik, but didn't like it so that was it.
WEIGHT: -2.6 kg.

Day 75 - 76 Pity And Consolation (2)

Dear G, sorry to hear that you have been sick. And happy to hear that you feel better, especially since you are going to London. Have fun! L will do fine with the girls!

I had two stressed days, Thursday as A was still trying school and needed to be picked up at 2pm, and apart from lots of paper work I needed to go to IKEA. No time for running.
Friday took A+J to the eye doctor. Have you done that? They put something in their eyes that opens up the pupils. Apart from that it hurts a little they become like blind kittens. And as it was such a sunny day I could not send them back to the preschool. 
Was also sad about another thing; we found out that J has very bad sight, so he needs glasses. Couldn't help crying when I thought about that long period when he didn't hear, couldn't breath – and on top of that he didn't see. He doesn't see! So now we will bring both inhalator and glasses to preschool… Also I think that glasses are irritating when you are an adult – but if you are 3.5?!
A didn't have perfect sight either, but she won't have to wear glasses yet.

As you can see we all had some kokosbollar as consolation. For the eye drops. J doesn't seem to think the glasses is a bad idea. Doesn't he get it? Or is he just the wonderful, strong and never moaning fantastic person that he always was? I love him so much…

FOOD & DRINKS. As above. Also had some Friday wine, the permitted dosis.
WEIGHT: – 2.4 kg.

Days 75-78 Spring Cleaning

Dear C,
I have been sick. Totally out of comission since Thursday really. I went to work Friday but came home a bit early to sleep. Felt somewhat better today-so hopefully back on the uphill...
I started cleaning out closets today. This poor quality pic is the pile of jeans and 1 other pair I used to really like that DO NOT FIT. Nope not even close. Is it unrealistic to think that they will ever be worn again?? Maybe, not sure. Anyway these are the pairs I kept. Also gave away to Salvation Army box many more. I hope the next 100 days bring these pants back.
Tomorrow I am going to London for work. Will be back Thursday. L is totally on his own-his parents are away no help. Am sure the kids will survive (hopefully). Can´t really tell him what needs know what I mean. It would be nice if they had their hair brushed or he washed their faces before bed. Is bathing or bringing the item to visning day too much to ask?
It´s just me being controlling and a little wierded out that I am going away actually for work.
BTW, I found out Friday that next year I will work 50% at another position (within work) which is much better and perhaps more challenging. Then the other 50% will be doing my current job. So that means quite a raise for me (cross your fingers as I haven´t signed the contract yet)!
Will be back on-line Thursday. Will have much to report then.
Food: Had some wine last night, nothing sooo bad these days.
Workout: Major break since Weds. Just went about 5ish today because had guilt about being sick and then going away tomorrow.
Weight: Have not looked. Will not until Day 100!
Hope all well. We must book celebration.
PS: Wow you are going going! Great job!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 74 – Is She Ready To Sail?

Dear G, I must say that the school start of a firstborn is a big thing. As of course the school start of any child.
It's breathtaking.
My bright and beautiful girl is so big, but she is also quite vulnerable. I love her so much and I can't help thinking about that Swedish children used to start school at 7. A is only 5.5 years old. Is she ready to sail?

Yes, she is. Many of the children cried at the schoolyard saying goodbye to their parents. A. went away with a big smile on her face. She loves the school, she loves the 2 year older girl that is taking care of her those first day. And she loves the idea of getting to know and learn more. Or should I say everything?
While A was at school for 3.5 hours I used some time running in the sunshine. I went by the water (like I usually do) and ran 8k. It was so beautiful! Like you, I have some marks on the road. One is this sailing boat. Isn't she a beauty? 

About obsession: I already guessed that you've got a little o from just looking on the challenge. As we have known each other for 3.5 years now, I also know that competition "fires you up". Personally I think that we all are drawn between laziness and wanting to win, and that to get something done a little competition is required. All great artists and sportsmen are obsessed. Obsession is not always a bad thing. 
I've also gotten a little fired up. Or a lot. I try to figure out how I can make up for all that I missed in April (and March) and make very optimistic plans. How many k can a new starter run each week? 

WORKOUT: 8 km + some yoga
FOOD & DRINKS: tasted some of my friend's cookie, but only a small piece. 
WEIGHT: – 2.0 kg

ps the to do-list will always be long. It is its nature. ds

Days 72,73 & 74 Obsessed!?

Dear C,
I think the tables are turning. Now I have a cold and am freezing! Hopefully, my run will scare this away.
Everyday I am scheming on how to get out for a run. It´s strange that my thoughts turn to this everytime a free minute arises. Of course during this time I should be doing a million other things that really have been on the "to do" list for too long.
It´s quite an awful thing to have to "sneak" away from your famly to go running but that is what is has come to. L called me "obsessed" M, just wants to come with me and C needs about 1000 hugs. The other mom´s at the playground suggested I run faster... After all am not sure it´s about the running but really the peace of mind.
That is what I would say these 74 days have given me most of all. Not an obsession but a mental cleansing.
Food: Weds cake, C´s birthday cake. Salad for dinner though.
Workouts: Monday 6+45 yoga with Bob, Tuesday-NOTHING Today: 8.4km. I ran to my friend C´s in Killinge and back. Had a glass of water there before return.
Weight: Haven´t checked but seems to fluctuate mostly in the high 4´s but will see Friday.
Celebrate?? Hmmmm what date looks open for you? Isn´t it your anniversary and B-day around the 100 day mark?
How was A´s first day?

Extra: Blondes vs Brunettes

Dear G, why don't you join E's challenge? The blondes seem to need you! 
Best wishes,
Audery Hepburn alias Juliette Binoche alias Sophia Loren alias Christy Turlington alias C

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 71 – 73 On Gear And Celebration

Dearest G, we have so much to celebrate! 
1. You're being a mom for five years (send my love to C)!
2. Your 200 k – amazing, incredible – I'm running out of words!
3. The weight loss is also very impressive.
4. Myself I'm a little glad that I since my restart have doubled my running in only 8 days.
5. While your eldest daughter turned 5 my eldest daughter is starting school. My little baby! How did that happen? It's so big! She is so big!
So my question is – how should we celebrate?

For you, my dearest, I have a little suggestion. Shouldn't you buy a pair of Nikes that fit both your feet and the Nike+?
After 206 k I surely think you deserve that! Even if you have to take the barnbidrag, or whatever. (L, do you read this? Get your wife a gift!

If we were men we would have had the right gear. You wouldn't even have gone 6 km with shoes that don't work.
I wouldn't have run with this in-ear headphone mess!

They were CJ's from the beginning – as I remember it I borrowed them until he gave up. Last summer J removed one of the ear plugs, and I never found it again. So only one works. And as soon L gets a chance she removes the other one. The one that works keeps falling out. While running, I have to fix it about 14 times each km, either while running or I have to stop. Very annoying.
Do you think I should have those The Nike Sport Flow In Ear (little pic) or some old school over ear ones? Headphones are more expensive than you think, so you have to think.

But most of all, of course, we should celebrate day 100. When do you have time to do it? 

WORKOUT: Sunday: 6.5 km in rain (that was before C's party, right?) + yoga with J + L. They are so cute, though it's more like a circus than Indian meditation. Monday and Tuesday: resting, because I have a blister on my foot that needs to heal.
FOOD & DRINKS: Or should we call it sins? Sunday I had too much of that bread again, and a quarter of a bun. Monday + Tuesday: did excellent.
WEIGHT: The thing is stuck on -1.8 kg. Should I blame it on the scales or on Valhallabageriet?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 71 Goodies Galore

Dear C,
Today was C´s 5th birthday party. I boycotted the fiskdam and went for the pinata instead. This was a big success. The kids not familiar with this game were happy, and worked very hard to bat this little unicorn until the candy flooded out.
Am exhausted, ran in the sunshine this morning very early, cleaned the house, made cupcakes, goodie bags, and hopefully fufilled some big 5 year old expectations for her party.

Weekend temptations: chocolate cupcake, french bread with cheese, 2 glasses of wine last night, some crap.
Workout: Today 5.5 km I think. Made it to the 200 goal somehow. Tomorrow I must take off as my shins are killing me and legs weary.
Weight: Decided not to weigh in til this Friday.

Need help with links and labels. How do you do? How will be celebrate end of 100 day club part I? Must plan ahead for us.

Love that you ran some of the Ultra! That is the feeling you get from a race-fires you up.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 70 – Weekend Temptations (Again) And A Surprising Race

Dear G, as L wakes me up so many times at night I'm usually starving when I finally go down the stairs to have breakfast. So how do think my moral and motivation was when I came down this morning and found this bread? Doesn't it look delicious? I can tell you, it IS! 
It's my husband again. He still goes to the crime scene, the dreadful Valhallabageriet that has so many of my extra kilos at it's conscious. 

What am I to do about all those Weekend Temptations?
The answer must be: have some, then go running.

And I surely did – today I even ran my first official race. So much sooner then I could ever imagine! 
Had decided to use the slot time when A plays tennis to run by the water when I realized there was something going on. High speakers, empty water mugs, lots of well-trained people running at my path. All of a sudden I was actually running IN a race. Someone kept running behind my shoulder, breathing in my ear. Then he left, but there came another one. And another. And another. 
They were like flies. But bigger, and so much more alike axe murders. 
I wanted to shout that I just started running less then a week ago, and I practically just got out of the hospital giving birth to three 4.3–4.8-babies. Let me go!
It seems so rude, running close to someone like that, but they all do it. Use people for wind shells, or to rest behind. Quite chocking, if you ask me.

But after a while I thought it was a little fun, because they were so well trained, and still I could (almost) hold their pace. 
That was before I realized that they ran 50k. As opposed to my 5k.
It was the Ultra50k-race. Never, ever heard about it. Did you? 
It was quite exiting seeing how they ran. They take so low steps, like they were about to die soon. And still they run so fast. Will have to try to copy that…

On food and my husbands cooking: No, he doesn't give me lessons!! I used to give him lessons, nota bene. When we met I was editor-in-chief of a Food magazine, and I kind of teached him everything he knows. After I gave birth to A, he took over the kitchen. And he won't give it back! I long for cooking, but since he cooks so well my fight is a bit lame. Though the teacher is a little chocked by the talented pupil.

Finally and most important; I'm so happy about your license and that you finally passed the feared theory-test! Though I really don't think you should give up the dream of being the first female Swedish astronaut. 

WORKOUT: 5k, my fastest since I got the Nike+, thanks to those crazy 50k-people.
FOOD & DRINKS: 1 (huge) slice of white bread for breakfast, 1 glass of red wine, fried apples and ice cream after dinner – otherwise good.
WEIGHT: – 2.5 kg

Day 69+70 My Favorite Runs

Dear C,
So much to tell...First, yesterday we celebrated. Finally, I have a Swedish driver´s license!! Oh, this has been such a pain in the butt, total humiliation and more stress than thought possible. (Especially for someone with a license for 22 years). Now its done, its official. Never again not ever- even if I moved to the moon I wouldn´t turn it in for permission to drive space vehicles.

You asked where I go when running. I tend to head straight for långängen but I enter in different spots. Often when I pass this "mushroom tree" it´s possible to know how fast and how far I´ve gone. Sometimes I don´t listen to my ipod when I am in the park because its so peaceful there. Just the rustle of the leaves and birds which often I don´t even hear. Another place I go often run is past the church and around to Ekholmsnäs and to the top. Back down and then dirt road to långängen (which is a killer hill) through to the 5km trail and home-This is the longest I run.

As for my friend Mr. Nike-Ipod well I seem to get a lot of different results depending on the sneakers I wear. My Nikey´s are gortex-great but hot. Really for colder and wet weather. My Salomon´s have a little pocket for the sensor but it can be unreliable (which is annoying). Then probably the best ones, my addidas have a little pouch attached to the laces. Unfortunately, totally crappy, doesn´t find the sensor and I run not knowing that it is not keeping track.

Sounds very interesting this new project...must give my opinion about the sushi. I´d say maybe it was better as Vincent´s shoe store. I like what you said about being good for a suburb-but it really can´t compare to the city. Lidingö is only 7km from the city center why is it hard to get good takeout? Also, they get very stresssed during rush time, and its a long wait...

Have you tried Krua Thai?? If you are going to have take out then that is worth waiting for.

Tomorrow is C´s birthday party. Pray for sun, and not too much chaos. I have so many things to do...

Food: 2 glasses of wine tonight, yummy and healthy food today. Can´t compare with the delicious things CJ makes you. Wow-does he give lessons?

Workout: 35 minutes yoga with Bob, 9.something km running. I took a long turn (not on purpose) at end was a snails pace, dying in the shins. Though want to make this 200km goal of mine for tomorrow. If I wake early enough it could be possible. Shins ouch! Trying to stretch putting ice on for relief. Will take Monday off from running.
Yesterday: 6.4 km run
Weight: Hope still hangin in but haven´t looked today or yesterday. Will try not to eat cake batter or frosting tonight.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 69 – Local Treats

Dear G, I don't know if I told you that I work on a project together with another person, and that we use our home office from 9am–3pm three days a week?
That is why I've been visiting all our local lunch restaurants lately. 
Today we took a walk to our very close Sushi. The place used to be a quite rotten kiosk when I was a kid. You can't imagine what old candy they sold there.
The sushi was a lot better. Not city good, but absolutely suburb good. Did you try it?

This afternoon there was a little party to celebrate the buildning/extension of our preschool. Who would have thought it would finally be built? Speaking of that, does champagne in a plastic glass count as champagne? I'm not sure…

WORKOUT: My legs were hurting today, so I just did a little stretching. And walked back and forth to that sushi place.
FOOD & DRINKS: Sushi is made of white rice and sugar, so it's not allowed. Also had that plastic glass, but I'm sure you think I'm worth it after all the trouble with that building project.
WEIGHT: Nothing really happens. Instead I feel proud and joyful about your remarkable –5.4!

Day 68 – Enthusiasm!

Dear G, I'm also so glad that we talked, and even happier that you are back on the blog. 
Everything about it is so exciting – the running, our competitions and the new 100-days club! 
I feel like Napoleon must have felt, in the beginning.

I think we have decided:
VårRuset – 5 km (did you sign up for May 26 or 27?)
Tjejmilen – 10 km Aug 30
Lidingö tjejlopp – 10 km Sep 30.

Am I right? 
Am I out of my mind?
It's not even a week since I started running again …
And one of the reasons I never run in a competition in my whole life is that big crowds usually make me feel a little … nervous? Or to be honest: misanthropic. 

Still, I just think it will be so fun! I feel strong and optimistic! And that the whole world is waiting outside my window…
And yeah, I do think it is a very sensible schedule, starting with a shorter thing, continuing with a flat race and finally ending at a track that is hilly, but where we could easily train as often as we like!

WORKOUT: 5 km running, about 30 min yoga afterwards. Our lawn is really the perfect yoga mat, so soft because of the moss… 
And you should hear the sounds from that cherry tree. It's full of very happy bumblebees. Hmmm sum sum – that is the perfect yoga music!
FOOD & DRINKS: My chef privé made us a delicious salmon with the nicest salad of chickpea, tomatoes and lettuce. What a nice meal it would have been if a 3,5-year old boy wouldn't had screamed through the dinner…
WEIGHT: –2.3 kg. 

ps. Yes, I do think that thing counts as both coffee and chocolate. Could I try one? ds

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Days 58-68 I´m Back on the Blog

Dear C,
Thanks for your call today. I am soooo happy to hear and see that you are back! It´s great that you sounded so enthusiastic. Can´t even say I know what has happened the past 10 days. I have been out running, walking and sometimes do a little video bootcamp with Bob. Though I have to say I haven´t been the best about eating or drinking for that matter. Last Thurs. I had enough wine for the whole 100 days-I felt a little disgsuting on Friday...Also, these Weds. cake days at work are so yummy. Next Weds. I will take a picture.

Am so happy to hear that you want run. I signed up for the and will do the same for

Will have to come up with a better running plan to gear up for these races...

Still going to London for a course with a colleague from the 18-20th.

Yes, to the continuation of the 100 day club. Sounds fantastic am and happy about it.

Today: Didn´t eat anything sugary:

Workout: Yoga 45 min with Bob, 6ish km run. Best time ever. Legs are like jello

Weight: -5.4kg have 2 kg to go to make weight goal.

Goal is to get to 200km (or close by Monday)

PS about the picture-have you ever had this little chocolate that is like a shot of expresso? This is the type of thing that they put out at my work. I brought it home for Leif. Does that count as a coffee and candy or a willywonka meal?
Much more hopefully more exciting things soon.
Not really able to do link thing like I wanted???

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 66 – 67 A Third Left – Celebration Of An Absent Friend

Dear G, pictures get very strange when you run and take them at the same time. 
But then again, life is a little strange. When I finally get back on track I wonder: WHERE ARE YOU?
I wanted to celebrate that it's only a third left and that you have been such a great runner! Plus all the other workout you've done! 
Since you are not here I sing you a little song and hope that you are ok and will come back soon. It helped me running today, and while running I decided I should add a video with it as a message to you. Unfortunately only found this low quality video, hope it makes you think of June anyway.

WORKOUT: Tuesday a little yoga. Wed: 5,5 km and quite a lot outdoor yoga. Instead of a mat I used the grass. Tried to take a picture of it, but I missed myself and only got photos of grass… 
FOOD & DRINKS: Day 66 ok. Day 67 not at all perfect.
WEIGHT: – 2.2 kg

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 65 – Rain And A Brilliant Idea

Dear G, I have this brilliant idea. You know we have been talking about extending, and that you're going to the US. I felt that maybe we shouldn't extend a little, but a lot. So that you can keep your fab shape while you are "at home". And so that I could keep track of you and know how you are, and that you wont turn American again.
My suggestion is that we start another 100dc at midsummers day – June 20, and have a big final day 100 by running Lidingö tjejlopp together, September 27. 
When I'm in a little better shape, maybe we could go there and try the 10 km together? End of month?
Or as a final for this 100dc, June 8? 
Or Sunday June 7, followed by a very nice picnic?

Today I sat by my computer working constantly from 9am–3pm, picked up L, and went to A&J's preschool for their bazaar with a big B. Parents are supposed to spend money, and kids are supposed to scream "buy, buy, buy!". We all did fine. Among several pieces of Art I bought 3 packets of kid made jam-cookies, not only full of sugar but also of all kind of preschool viruses. Also had a hot dog with bread that I immediately regretted.
When we came home I left my husband with three super tired kids and a dinner to make and went out running. (Dear CJ, I'm so grateful that you nodded when I asked you during your important job phone call. Even if it wasn't on purpose I realize that was low, but I AM grateful.)

Now I remember I should have started this post by saying: Hallelujah, we had RAIN! When I started running it rained, and after a while it rained more. I enjoyed it so much, both the rain and the running. This pic shows the road just before it started to rain more.
And while running I thought of you, G. And your running. I wondered if you run by the water or in the woods? How far do you run? How do you get to get out? And is David Bowie still your company?
Please let me know!

WORKOUT: about 3,5 km running and hardly any yoga, because when I came home there were three kids crying and one father yelling. (No criticism darling, I'm still thankful!)
FOOD&DRINKS: Proper 100dc-breakfast, chicken soup for lunch, hot dog as a snack, nice Asian style meatballs with sesame, rice, salad, lime, spring onion and coriander for dinner. Followed by three adventurous jam cookies.
WEIGHT: stressful morning, forgot to check.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 64 – Restart!

Dear G, woke up this morning and had a strange feeling that this was the day. 
By then I didn't realize there is only about a third left of our 100 days, but I was very close to have that 100dc-breakfast even though it was Sunday.
My back is better. It still hurts when I lift L, and I can't bend over properly, but otherwise: much better. 
So I took some asthma medicine and went out RUNNING for the first time in more than a month!
Felt like an old lady and only did 3 km, but I did have a much better time than I could imagine.
Did also some yoga afterwards. And then my husband cooked this fab extra healthy dinner with primeurs and chicken.

WORKOUT: 3 km running and some yoga. Some poses felt good for my back, others didn't work. 
FOOD & DRINKS: did fine.
WEIGHT: as yesterday. 
ps it's the first year our Magnolia Stellata blossoms like this. Isn't that a sign? Hope to hear from you soon. ds

Day 58 – 63 Moaning…

Dear G, beautiful or not – there is far too much pollen in the air. We need rain. My garden and my eyes, nose, lungs, my husband and my eldest daughter – we all need rain. 
More moaning: my back has been aching and we have had a cold all five of us. L's sleeping has been ridiculously bad. 
Thursday we all got our TBE-shots, and as A is allergic to eggs the nurse needed a doctor's ok before she could give her the shot. And when the dr came she asked me "but how are you?". 
What could I reply? I've had like all medicine you can posslibly think of (including inhalation) and everything, but since there is so much pollen nothing really helps. So she decided I should have a cortisone shot, and that was about the best thing that happened this week.
No, now I'm far too negative. Truth is that I've been very tired, and was also quite disappointed about the back aching and the 100 dc club that I kind of gave up on. 
But who can be truly unhappy when the weather is fantastic and the surroundings are so beautiful? 
Look at my cherry tree! 
And despite the back I've done some gardening and have also a nice little "gardening tan". Also I would like to say that even if I haven't been perfect on sugar and wine, I haven't forgotten our rules and at least I didn't gain any weight.

WORKOUT: gardening
FOOD&DRINKS not too good, not too bad
WEIGHT: – 2.1 kg

ps Didn't see you at the fire? How are you? ds