Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15- Making changes

Dear C,
First, before I forget I want you to read this article about yoga. I meant to send it to you earlier but I think it brings up some interesting points and I´d like to hear what you think.

I hope things are going well with you. Should we make sure to write 1 day per week? Otherwise too much time goes by and then our 100 days does too.

Since our return last Sunday night and surviving the first week back at work I have really tried to make some healthy choices and changes. First, I have not had a diet coke (which actually is a big deal for me) and I have brought my lunch to school everyday. I have not stocked up from the systembolaget but instead just shared a glass of wine Friday evening with L over fish soup from Furren...I have tried to think healthy and truthfully the first days I felt like I was starved but really I think it´s boredom that drives me to the cakes.

There hasn´t been any earth shattering workouts-my usual Monday pilates, and then a half-hour walk here and there. Though I must say the scale has tipped to the highest weight since M was a baby.Seriously it is a bit of a shock, and perhaps the rattle I need to move.

The next two weekends are crazy with ski trainings for the girls. We will drive up to Mora both weekends and on the 28th I will participate in a snow shoe race. It is 6km but I figure something really fun to motivate me.

PS Did I tell you that I gave my work 60 days notice to take parental leave 1 afternoon a week? I know it seems like so little but really I think it will change my life!
Hope you are well and can´t wait to hear from you.

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