Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 23 – 26 Living Milanese

Dear G, il Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan is difficult to describe. Even if you for years have heard people say that is so big and fancy you can't imagine it you'd be surprised by seeing it.
It is huge.
And fancy.
Apart from being big it also changes your taste, or even personality.
The relaxed person that likes a nice and intellectual mixture of furniture from last century all of a sudden CRAVES luxury, modernity, style and glamour.
And all of a sudden living in the hotels
largest suite with a view over both Milan and les Alpes seems very natural…We booked to late, and that is way we had to cope with (the ridiculous expensive price for) a big terrace, a huge marbled bath room and furniture that said: why bother to make the town?

But then again, as that is the purpose of the journey you just have to put on a summerish dress, some comfy sandals and get lost in the surreal and surely commercial world of Design.
Walking, talking, looking, asking and, if you have a bad back like mine, being grateful that a furniture fair has A LOT of chairs and sofas that can be tried.

And then it is time for lunch: pasta, gnocchi or risotto as a starter, followed by meat and maybe rocket sallad, served with wine and after that it is either: A. macchiato and a dessert or B. you won't make it.

Cause there are so many more pieces of furniture to see, before dinner is served in exactly the same way pasta, gnocchi or risotto as a starter, followed by meat and maybe rocket sallad, served with wine and after that it is either: A. macchiato and a dessert like vanilla ice cream with fresh berries or B. you won't make it.
Only it might be a little more wine.

No wonder a furniture fair is tiring.
A good thing: the first day I used the hotel's fitness room. Ran on a treadmill and cycled, plus did some yoga on the terrace. But otherwise: this is NOT a 100 days club life style.

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