Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 1 – Autumn Soup

Hi dear G, I planned to start this 50 days club with a inspiring picture of the lovely colourful Autumn Soup that the kids and I made for dinner. But I forgot to take a picture. Which was a real shame as I, apart from the 2-, 4- and 6-yearold assistants, also had two dishwasher-fixers lying on the floor as I cooked. They were about 1.95 tall each. You should have seen us…
And no, they're not done, because they needed a carpenter to finish the work.
Planned to start with a nice 10k run, but had too much work to do and also a cold. With CJ coughing and L waking up a 1000 times per night because of the cold I'd pay anything for a cold vaccine. Isn't it strange there still is no cure for colds?
Not too healthy we had all sorts of pancakes after the soup – also quite messy.
But at least we have a dishwasher after two weeks of hand washing.
Our new runners are a surprise to me as well. I must have forgotten to make the challenge for invites only. Shall we force them live by our rules? To blog at least every other night and to do the Vasaloppet 30 k x country skiing? While taking care of preschool children, housekeeping and work at the same time?
Watch out, Happy Runner, Cbege and 2Big4Now, you have no idea what's coming up!
I thought about you and your ear and hoped you'd get a chance to relax… Didn't make it to the yoga either, but tomorrow I'm invited to try a new gym method.
Life is an adventure.
With or without 1.95 m tall dishwasher fixers lying on the floor.
Take care,

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