Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 6 - Oh Deer!

Dear C,
Think of it this way-you went and you tried! That is fantastic because I´ve seen those fast, skinny little runners and they are an intimidating bunch. Been out run/walking with the deer, saw at least 10 deer wading in the mud too. This week I brought my lunch to school everyday. Mostly spinach salads with lots of veggies and beans or salmon. That is nice and lots of my colleagues are envious of my healthy lunches but as you know its´s just not enough. I need to do other things besides cardio. My muscles are begging me to get a but of circulation in them, and my acupuncture will not last forever...TOMORROW is hot yoga time! 90 minutes of pure sweat. Good enough reason to chug water tonight and not wine. So my friend, don´t beat yourself up. Saturday is the dog day-eat what you like your body will react with the rest of the week´s healthy lifesyle.
Happy Friday!

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