Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 7 – 9 The Day Before; The Days After

Dear G, one of my favourite things to do is to "open" the garden after winter. To rake away old leaves after the snow have melted, and find that small, little beautiful green andred buds have been living there. Just like me, they are just waiting for spring to come. Tulips and narcissus, come dance with me!

And yes, dancing was what this weekend was about. My dear friend C turned 50, and gave a dinner party for about 100 people. She is so close, so I had to give a speech, even though it affected my nerves for days. I'm so nervous DAYS before, but when I actually held the speech it was kind of a relief. Like diving from the 5 meter highbord – and survive.

Had to take a couple of glasses of champagne before and of rosé afterwards, and God, I was so sick the day after. Poisoned. Why is it that I can’t drink more than a glass without being so PUNISHED afterwards?

Sunday was a day I don't want to think about again. Wouldn't have made it without my hero husband.

Monday, weather was sunny and lovely, so I took half an hour I did not have and ran again. By myself, without pressure, didn’t think about time or anything. Almost all ice had melted, so the first time after winter I dared to run my favourite trail on the north side of the bay. Felt so strong, totally unlike the other day. Running I remembered how quickly I gained strength when we did this two years ago.

Small little buds become tulips. If you just rake away those old leaves…

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