Monday, August 30, 2010

Days 14-22 Over the Rainbow

Dear C,

Time has gone by so fast and I am sorry I have not written more. Right now, everything is so busy it is a blur. Working far too much, trying to keep on top of things. I  managed to run 3x last week.I don´t go home until I have already run and that works because it brings me down and it helps me to focus.If I didn´t do it I´d likely be asking Dr. D for something for my mental status. Amazing, running does help.
The Hippie party was great fun but I poisoned my body with all sorts of things. Felt absolutely out of it yesterday, and entertained the fam for Maddy´s Birthday. I was practically pushing them out the door at 9 because we all needed to go to bed!
I received my number for the Stockholm Half-Marathon...depending on the weather and my status I may run the first 10k for practise for the lidingöloppet. L is running but his number 3005 because he has super times-which is kind of depressing because he barely tries. Why is that?
My kids & L have colds too. Me, am popping  echinacea and keeping my fingers crossed.
Running for the light at the end of the rainbow.

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