Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 78 What a difference a day makes

Dear C,
By now I hope things are a bit better for you and the kids and you were able to celebrate J´s 4th birthday. It is nice to hear that the meds for the "new flue" seem to work if it is in fact that.
Yesterday, when arriving home from work I just had to decompress from the week. As I started out it was sunny with a little wind, but as I kept going I was running with the clouds. The forest turned darker, and the wind got stronger. This made me run faster, am not sure why but everyone I met was looking up and wondering. By the time I arrived home it was raining but not too hard.
Today, another beautiful, sunny day. Easy to run a quick 6k. I feel good even though my shoulders have some issues. I know that my back muscles are very weak-and before I can really dig in the training at the gym I must solve the problem. Mostly, it comes with the rushing, and work. The one thing I know is that it gets worse without movement so that is why I keep going.
Preparing for M´s birthday party tomorrow. Party bags and baking a cake now. Many well wishes to you all. Get strong, and take a deep breath.

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