Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 50 Half-Way!

Dear C,
I am tired now but felt I should write because today is our half-way point! Great to see you out with J & A. I see you so little for living so close...
L´s parents have been away for several weeks so they came to dinner-sort of a lot for a Sunday evening but kids were happy.
So how do you feel day 50? Yesterday a low but better days to come for the second half? Do you think we should try and plan our weekly workouts or is that too much? Will try that and see.
Much more tomorrow and hopefully pic too.
Today workout: 30 minutes video workout-LEGS. I almost cried it hurt so much. Then long and fun walk with CSL-around 8km we think.
Lots of stretching and feel that tomorrow will be sore.
Food: Nothing bad-first time since before Easter.
Weight: Still holding out in looking.
Plan for week:
Monday-run in intervals 4 minutes fast and 1 minute slower 6x repeat, 30 min. body sculpt.
Tuesday-Yoga 30 Minutes
Weds-run 5k +30 min leg workout
Friday-30 minute Body sculpt+run intervals 4 min fast and 1 min slower 8x
Saturday-Long run/walk up to 10k
Sunday-Yoga+see how I feel
Goals: Back on track with food, more water, long stretches.

You can do it C! Back to reality tomorrow-work. Hope you are well and write.

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