Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 8 – Drying Weather

Dear G, while I hear that the rest of Sweden, and you, are plagued by the heat, we have a refreshing wind. Perfect weather for those who produce a lot of laundry!
I often think that it must be difficult for you to live so far from your own family, so I'm happy to hear that you enjoy being at home. Also good for your girls to get to know their mother's country and family. Just wanted to say that you are important to me.
I also feel that it's good for me to be close to my own family and this place, that I love deeply. Especially in this both sunny and windy weather!

It's a little to windy to stay by the beach, but we went anyway, had a picnic, and bathed our feet. And a little more. As you see we had to choose the rocky beach on the west coast instead of the sandy ones at the east coast, where the wind was too strong.
Later I ran a little more than 6 k. Ran better than ever before out, but going home the wind worked against me… And it was too late according to my Mother, so from now I'll try to run in early mornings.
ps. What a lovely view. Of course you should come there more often!

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