Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 6 - HHH!

Dear C, First of all I am so sorry I forgot your Birthday! Usually I am quite good at remembering but obviously not this time. Glad that you enjoyed your day and are in beautiful Gotland.

Today its the 3 H´s Hazy, Hot and Humid. My run was a slow one, but I was drenched. Its all about the timing in this weather you must go early or late and the kids were too high maintenance during these times.
This photo is the view I woke up to everyday in the summer for years. The lighthouses are called Thatcher´s island. The light actually used to flash in our window.
Of course life in "the neighborhood" is nice, but it just seems easier at the moment here.
Run was 5.7 ish slow. Food has been non-stop. Feeling really bloated. Moving on to my other sister´s Sunday. I think she has less food or I hope so!
Best wishes to you and your wonderful postings. I promise more thoughts and exciting pictures in upcoming days.

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