Sunday, May 17, 2009

Days 75-78 Spring Cleaning

Dear C,
I have been sick. Totally out of comission since Thursday really. I went to work Friday but came home a bit early to sleep. Felt somewhat better today-so hopefully back on the uphill...
I started cleaning out closets today. This poor quality pic is the pile of jeans and 1 other pair I used to really like that DO NOT FIT. Nope not even close. Is it unrealistic to think that they will ever be worn again?? Maybe, not sure. Anyway these are the pairs I kept. Also gave away to Salvation Army box many more. I hope the next 100 days bring these pants back.
Tomorrow I am going to London for work. Will be back Thursday. L is totally on his own-his parents are away no help. Am sure the kids will survive (hopefully). Can´t really tell him what needs know what I mean. It would be nice if they had their hair brushed or he washed their faces before bed. Is bathing or bringing the item to visning day too much to ask?
It´s just me being controlling and a little wierded out that I am going away actually for work.
BTW, I found out Friday that next year I will work 50% at another position (within work) which is much better and perhaps more challenging. Then the other 50% will be doing my current job. So that means quite a raise for me (cross your fingers as I haven´t signed the contract yet)!
Will be back on-line Thursday. Will have much to report then.
Food: Had some wine last night, nothing sooo bad these days.
Workout: Major break since Weds. Just went about 5ish today because had guilt about being sick and then going away tomorrow.
Weight: Have not looked. Will not until Day 100!
Hope all well. We must book celebration.
PS: Wow you are going going! Great job!

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