At least for one of us…
Wednesday and Thursday I went to the Garden Fair (see pic) and had that great "I'm alive and
summer will soon be here"-feeling. Friday I even had that question – not the "are you pregnant", but the "did you loose weight" one!
(Yes, I'll tell you what people in the gardening world are speeking of. Like everyone else – about the Obamas. Michelle and Barack are getting themselves an ecologic kitchen garden. People are so much into ecological garden, and especially ecological kitchen gardening. I would also do that, if I just had a little more time or some staff that could dig in).
Ok, back to my reality: There was snow. It melted and was all wet and slippery, but that did not stop me. I saw spring, I ran and it felt like flying and as if I would soon run 10 k. (Like some people I know that started running last summer, just like me, but didn't quit in September…)
I thought I would run every day from now on. With wet shoes or dry – who cares anyway? If people are asking you the right question, weather is not an issue.
Then Sunday L turned sick, she wakes me up 1000 times every night again, and now I have a cold myself. And I didn't blog though I wasn't in the hospital, but, but, but.
Tomorrow is a new month and April, you won't fool me!
And I have bought so many flower seeds, as I BELIEVE IN JUNE!
WORK OUT: Walked a lot in the Garden Fair, and ran to catch a train. Ran 4 km on ice and water (not quite like Jesus) Saturday. Then nothing, but a walk today with sick L in the wagon.
FOOD & DRINKS: Had 1/2 a bun Saturday, otherwise ok.
WEIGHT: – 2.8 kg. Makes me happy, but I'm now 0.3 kg behind my target.
ps maybe halfway point should be celebrated with something very healthy? I think we should save the bubbles for day 101. ds
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