As my new sensor arrived just before we left Skåne I was exited to go out to run, and of course calibrate it. What a joke: first the thing said it was out of battery. The Ipod just wouldn't get that I had a new sensor. After starting and restarting it admitted it was new. Then I calibrated on 1k, but afterwards it said: Calibration succeded on 400m. So I had to do it again. And again. And again. And again… Alltogether I calibrated six times on 1k each, and five times it said "calibrated on 400m". The sixth it didn't admit it calibrated at all. I tried to run a k to see if it worked anyhow. Then it said that the k I ran was 0.54. I was so angry I wouldn't run home.
So the result of running more than 7.5k is… 1.64k!
The only thing that would have made me happy after that was a dive in C2's pool. It looks so good!
Or having a dinner cooked by my favorite chef, which I did have…
Another thing: Maybe I should make a remark saying what day C2 started? Which day was it? Also wonder if we have different competitions for walking and running? It's a little difficult to compare, isn't it? Even if I totaly agree: we are all winners and we're not competing each others but ourselves.
And the Nike+!
Tomorrow I'll calibrate at 400m, just as the thing demands… Or just work on the hedges…
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