Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 56- Goals and Dreams

Dear C,
I am very impressed with your 10k+run. All of the efforts are paying off. We are stronger, faster and even more determined than any of our 100´s of previous days. Our babies who brought us together will soon be 4 and now we have our eye on the prize!
Today, I ran 10k of the Lidingö Loppet. Somehow I was off the trail for the last 2km´s-so I headed home and it seemed to equal out. Time was 58.50 which is ok. There were defininately some uphills but I felt overheated, and wished I had on shorts, plus it was very windy. My body felt totally fine, its more in my head than anything else. Hopefully yoga will help with this. Not so concerned about the race more about the wedding the evening before.
Now we have our eye on the end, the fantastic goal of not one but 2 races-but I like to plan!
With this, I propose something for our future. The perfect way to struggle through the long Swedish winter and have a HUGE GOAL. One that I know we could accomplish and have fun doing it. Yep, you guessed it-look at the picture and be inspired. The city of lights, the one you love has its Marathon April 11th, 2010. It falls perfectly over Easter vacation.
Thought about the London marathon but its registration is over then found this. The registration will open soon. So what do you think? Could we pull a Murakami?
1 stange note-I moved a certain way and got an ouch in my neck. Am trying to stretch it out.
Had my wine over Fri and Sat. Didn´t even go over the limit. Did have a kex of the kids today, and an extra coffee, but mostly very healthy and really thinking about it,
Keep up the great work!

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