Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 54 Hard Day

Hello All,

I'm tired. Tired of fighting and bickering with my girls. Tired of them screaming and not listening. Ever have one of those days? Well I KNOW the answer must me a yes for C as she has 3 kids. I know it's a yes for you G. Why do our little angels push their limits all the time?
Started day with fighting over what the girls will wear to school.Got them both there so late!! My daughter N wanted to ride her bike so I was a nice Mamma and let her do this meanwhile I ran alongside. Well ........I got run over (pretty badly) from N and cut my knee, elbow and hands!!!! All this before my run/ walk and before 9:30 in the am!! My knee was pretty sore and hurt like you know what. I said though I must carry on, I need to do this!!! I managed so was happy to get in my exercise for the day.

After that had a lovely lunch in the city with a great friend who cheered me up. Picked up the girls only to start the fighting and bickering all over again, UUUGGHH!!

Enough of that. Postive thoughts and things to report.
Workout= 6.67 km
Food= Very well behaved with chicken salad for lunch with melon and bulgur. Half a cup of coffee and water. Dinner was yummy, made cod (torsk) with a melon salad and an avacado and tomatoe salad, more water & no wine!
Now I plan to leave the dishes to hubby and go upstairs and read my book.
What about you C, where have you been? G is all ok with you? We have not talked in days.

1 comment:

  1. To be honest, we are not fighting and screaming to each other, me and our kids. I think it's quite the contrary – with three kids (under six years old) you have make ordinary life work.
    Before my eldest go to bed I decide what she should wear next day, and asks her if she is ok with my choice. If she is not we pick something different together. If she wants a summer dress and it's too cold I tell her that she needs to bring a jacket and so on.
    If my son isn't ok with the shirt I decided for him to wear I ask him to choose another one. I don't buy them clothes that I don't like and things that are too small goes to the attic or dustbin.
    I think that the not screaming thing has to begin with the parents. I don't say that I'm perfect, but I try to think a lot about how we talk to each other in our family. I can be firm with certain things, but I also try to explain why. Sometimes I say: I won't discuss this. Other things I'm truly ready to hear their opinions.
    But sometimes it does get screamy anyway, and that is when they either slept or ate too little. Routines are everything…
    Hope that you get inspired and not irritated by this answer. I know that you love your girls and want to have a good time with them. Biking to school seams like a great idea, doesn't it?
